Halloween contraction of All Hallows Eve a holiday observed on October 31 the evening before All Saints or All Hallows Day. Halloween is an American slasher media franchise that consists of thirteen films as well as novels comic books a video game and other merchandiseThe films primarily focus on.
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Halloween originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain and is now a worldwide event.
. The celebration marks the day before the. Learn about the jack-o-lantern trick-or-treating Halloween costumes and more.
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ハロウィンは日本にいつから定着した 起源と歴史 海外との違いとは 日本文化研究ブログ Japan Culture Lab
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アメリカのハロウィン 習慣 かぼちゃのランタン 仮装 イベントなど 現地情報誌ライトハウス シアトル
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